DistrictCrossfit getting some Mobility!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Question of the week: Training or OverTraining ......

Well it's been awhile since I posted but I believe I'm back on track.  After two colds, in two weeks, I'm finally feeling back to full strength.  My training is moving forward, in fact, so much so it just might be out of control!

I'm still getting in regular Crossfit workouts, three mornings a week.  I just finished my 8th month at the box, and I'm stronger than ever.  Not a lot of PR's, like in the beginning (when every workout was a PR), but I'm definitely seeing the numbers move up.  I had a PR last week, during a 6am class and I can tell you, that doesn't happen often.  It was a real thrill and keeps me focused on what's really important.  I also continue to put in practice at home for some of my weaker skills.  I am determined to master double unders and dead hang pullups, this year, while improving my ring technique so that I can finally get a muscle up.

My bodybuilding/figure workouts are also gaining momentum.  Not a lot of change there, just pick up the weights and complete the reps and sets.  From a volume standpoint, these workouts are happening six days a week, which may be too much.  I definitely want to hit the competition stage in great shape, but I also want to continue making advances in Crossfit.  Over training could definitely crush both those goals, so I'm trying to keep a watchful eye on my schedule.  Yeah, I know, most people can't get to the gym often enough and here I'm worrying about too much.

But, the experiment continues!  The training gets more intense each week and I just hope it's not all too much.  I haven't even mentioned the weekly gymnastics class and the occasional venture into pole dancing.  I can tell you flipping on mats, jumping from balance beams, swinging on rings and poles, is no joke.  Both require strength and balance, in areas that we just don't use everyday.

Me getting assistance on the rings!

But the big news is 'FRAN'.  She whipped my A$$ four weeks ago, but I'm going after her with a vengeance tomorrow.  I had no rhythm the last time I took her on, but this week I've got a plan.  If I can shave even one minute off my total time, I'll be one happy girl!


Belief fuels enthusiasm, and enthusiasm explodes into passion.  
It fires our souls and lifts our spirits.

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