DistrictCrossfit getting some Mobility!

Friday, February 11, 2011

WOW ... Another week is behind me ... Just 16 weeks to go!!

Well another week of training is done.   Not sure if I've actually made any changes in my figure, but I'm certainly having fun trying.  My bodybuilding coach has told me to stay away from the scale and I really want to have my body fat measured, but that has also been banned.  So, I just look in the mirror and depend on the experts for guidance.  Although, at 12 weeks out, I will have measurements done and pictures taken so that there's a clear before and after.  (I might even share them, right here, so stay tuned!)

I still haven't made a final decision on my posing suit, but I promise to finish that up soon.  I want the suit, shoes and jewelry, selected, purchased and ready to go.  I hate last minute scrambling, ok, not really, but it does sound good :-)

I got in 4 Crossfit workouts this week, including Fran and Barbara.  I also got a new PR on Front Squats, 125#.  Well, it was really by default since I had never done a 1RM Front Squat, but hey, I'll take it!  I've completed 5 body building workouts this week, and will do 1 more tomorrow, plus a gymnastics class.  I also had a chance to complete another pole dancing class this week ... can you say FUN!

The most important accomplishment this week was finishing the Fran Challenge.  I saw my time improve approximately 40%, and that is nothing to be ashamed of ... now if I can just figure out how to do the "Girls" Rx'd, or for that matter anything Rx'd!   I did get a chance to see myself, on video, doing kipping pullups, and I can tell you, the problem is no hip action.  My Crossfit coach has been telling me that for months and I just didn't get it.  Now I do ....  Andrew, I promise you, I'll work on the hip thing! (hmmmm ... he really does know what he's talking about!)

Since my figure competition is early June, I'm already thinking ahead on activities for the remainder of the year.  I'm pretty sure it will be more Crossfit (yes, I'd like to increase the number of days I'm in the box each week), Cycling and a few adventure races (i.e., Metro Dash, Tough Mudder, Run Amuck, Warrior Dash), you know the kind of races that allow you to show off your Crossfit skills.

Well that's it's for now.  It's becoming very obvious to me that Crossfit is winning this battle.  But I'll hang in there and complete the figure competition, as planned.

Just 16 weeks to a fabulous new me!


Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass …. 
It’s about learning to dance in the rain!

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