I'm more active than most 20 year olds and I plan to keep it that way. I'm a native Californian and being outside is second nature. I'm also a youngest child; and playing outside, all alone, was a reward. I had nobody to boss me around, just run, jump and ride my bike. I was one happy camper and I've let that feeling follow me into my adult life. I'm one of those rare people that really does enjoy a good workout.
I also make it a point to set regular goals. So this year, not only do I plan to compete in a figure competition (more on that another day), but I have very specific goals for Crossfit. I plan to:
1) increase my back squat to 150% of my bodyweight
2) increase my deadlift to 200% of my bodywieght
3) improve all of my overhead lifts by 25%
4) complete my benchmark Crossfit workouts at 75% of the Rx'd weight
For me, each of these is a major challenge, but I have stated my intentions publicly and I'm committed to meet each of them by years end.
Tomorrow, I'll be participating in my first Crossfit Challenge of the year. It's "Fran", a timed workout that includes Thrusters (front squat/push press) and Pull Ups. I can assure you, I won't be the fastest person to finish and hopefully, not the last, but I will do this workout at approximately 75% of the prescribed weight because I'm committed.
I'm working out tomorrow because I'm committed to my goals, not just interested in trying!
There’s a difference between interest and commitment.
When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient.
When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.
--K. Blanchard
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