DistrictCrossfit getting some Mobility!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Things are moving forward ....... or maybe they're just moving!

Wow, this figure thing is no joke (well, it's not really fitness either).

I'm one week committed and I've had to find a figure coach, a personal trainer, nutrition assistance, a seamstress (you must get on the sewing schedule early), a makeup artist, a tanning specialist, someone to provide jewelry and the list goes on.  I'm afraid this may make a bigger dent in my budget than actually helping me complete my quest for total fitness (good thing I have Crossfit!)

My figure coach will assist me with choosing an appropriate posing suit and shoes.  She will ensure that my skin tone is correct, my make up is flawless and my hair (she's already suggested a wig!) is just like the rest of the girls (I don't really get that).  She will teach me to walk correctly and have no fear in showing it all to an audience of strangers, while twirling on 5" heels and wearing a custom made blinged out bikini.

My personal trainer will provide a program (he's already asked which globo gym I'll be joining..ugh) that I can execute in my local gym.  He will provide guidance on nutrition and supplements to ensure that I am ripped on competition day.  Most importantly, these workouts will be customized to consider my Crossfit training, because I drank the koolaid and there is no going back.  The benefits of Crossfit are too vast to consider giving them up, even if traditional bodybuilding can give me a whole new shape.

My new trainer actually made me take before pictures to ensure we can measure our progress.  The up side is I'm not too fat, the downside I'm still not posting before pics.  But I do promise to post the end result.  He has promised that the first 3 months will be food as usual, little or no cardio (the benefit of not being too fat!), and lots of lifting to ensure maximum muscle.  The next 2 months, we will lean out, with minimal cardio and then it's showtime!  I've chosen a contest date the first week of June.

So for now, it's business as usual.  Plenty of meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds and some fruit plus 3 to 4 Crossfit workouts each week.  Life is good ........

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2011 Fitness Quest ......

Well it's that time of year again.  No, not another boring New Years Resolution but time to set new goals  in my quest for total fitness.

Yes, yes, I know.  I've already conquered total fitness, after all I'm a Crossfit chick and everybody knows that Crossfit is THE answer for total fitness.  But, no matter how fit I am, I must continue to challenge my inner athlete (though the older I get the slower I get, so athlete may not be the best word choice).

In prior years I've chosen many different goals, improve my golf game (I'll need to do that a few more times :-), competitive bodybuilding, snowboarding and skiing (still can't get over my fear of the ski lift, but I continue to ski every winter), rock climbing, Crossfit, triathlon (hated it, but that's a whole other story), even speed skating.  I've tried them all and more.  Each and every one offering it's own challenge.  I've totally fallen in love with Crossfit but still feel a need to try something new in 2011.

Soooooo, my goal for the first half of the year, is to not just be fit, but to look fit.  Therefore, I plan to register for my very first figure competition!  Yes, I know, it's not really about fitness and it's very unCrossfit like, but I just can't help myself.  The whole idea of reshaping my body is irresistible.  I've done it before (bodybuilding, you know), but figure is a totally different animal.  This go round everything is in play .... it's not just muscle, we are talking high heels, jewelry, blinged out posing suits, tattoos and body piercings.  I'll be flexing it all and I can't wait!

Look out 2011 .... Here I come!!!!
