DistrictCrossfit getting some Mobility!

Friday, February 25, 2011

14 Weeks and Counting.....

It's been a difficult week, but I got it done.  Several times, I just wanted to throw up my hands and quit.  I'm still concerned about overtraining and this week proved to be pivotal.  I've had no energy all week and I've started to have some pain in my left shoulder (an old golf injury) that just doesn't want to go away.  But, I still got it in ... 3 CrossFit workouts, 3 Figure workouts and 2 spin classes.  I was able to eat clean all week, though I'm not 100% certain that I got in all the calories I needed.

This week has proved to me that I can do what I need to, even when I don't want to!  I am strong, focused and determined to step on the stage looking more like a hottie in her 20's than a grandma in her 50's.  I believe I have a solid plan in place and I will follow through.  June 4th is still 98 days away and I know I can fight off the "I don't feel like it's" and the "I don't really have to today's" and "What was I thinking".  Yes, even the highly motivated (and I am motivated) have our doubts.  The difference is we never cave in.

Vince Lombardi said "Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit."


So ....Watch your actions; they lead to habits.
Watch your habits; they form your character.
Watch your character; it determines your destiny.


Tomorrow is Saturday and I have 3 workouts scheduled; in the words of Nike, I plan to "Just Do It"

Friday, February 18, 2011

105 Days to the Stage!

This has been the most interesting week, in my training cycle, yet the most boring.  I am basically a clean eater 95% of the time and enjoy whatever I want the other 5%.  With a Figure Competition looming, clean eating becomes critical 100% of the time.  I'm not talking diet (although that will happen soon enough), but eating whole healthy foods at every meal.  Unfortunately, I had to travel for work this week and thus the problems began.

I did manage three Crossfit and three BodyBuilding workouts this week.  I was also able to get in two Cardio workouts on my travel days, and will end the week with a gymnastics class (and possibly one more Crossfit WOD).  HOWEVER, sticking to clean eating, while staying in a dumpy Texas hotel was almost impossible.  And the influence of my co-workers (at least, the ones I like), with there partying ways, was no help.  Needless to say, with the exception of my eggs and bacon for breakfast, I ate mostly nuts and fruit.  I had one tolerable meal and that was grilled chicken and vegetables.  There was also the mandatory glass of wine and at least one shot of Tequila (you know, when in Rome...).  But, not a steak in sight, and we were in Texas, home of the American Cattle Rancher.  I mean WTF ... I can't believe we couldn't schedule a single meal in a restaurant with a decent steak.  Thank God I'm home!

My freezer is full of steak.  I've eaten two Filet's today to make up for all the beef I missed earlier this week.  I figure an extra steak can't do any more harm than Tequila shots, right ?  But the food is in place for tomorrow and I'll be back on track.  I'm still outside of the 12 week rule (not really sure what that is, but I understand there's no cheating or missing workouts once you hit 12 weeks out), so an extra steak here, a glass of wine there, hopefully, no harm done.  I've begged my team to let me put all travel on hold until my June competition.  We'll see how that works out!

Visually, I feel like my body is already improving.  Unfortunately, it's my shoulders and chest.  What I want to see are legs and abs.  My back is my favorite area to train, so I'm never concerned about the backside, I just know it will look great.  My arms are sticks, this never seems to change, but there are some little hills showing up :-)  I'm still feeling a little flabby, but I keep reminding myself that I'm barely doing Cardio.  I mean, really, I have 105 more days -- that's 15 weeks -- it's more than three months.  A lot of change can and will occur.

So, it's all work and no play from this point forward.  OK, maybe one or two cheats in the next three weeks, or maybe not ... I do have to wear a bikini!

I will persevere.


Perseverance is not a long race:  
It is many short races, one after another. 
                           ---Walter Elliot

Friday, February 11, 2011

WOW ... Another week is behind me ... Just 16 weeks to go!!

Well another week of training is done.   Not sure if I've actually made any changes in my figure, but I'm certainly having fun trying.  My bodybuilding coach has told me to stay away from the scale and I really want to have my body fat measured, but that has also been banned.  So, I just look in the mirror and depend on the experts for guidance.  Although, at 12 weeks out, I will have measurements done and pictures taken so that there's a clear before and after.  (I might even share them, right here, so stay tuned!)

I still haven't made a final decision on my posing suit, but I promise to finish that up soon.  I want the suit, shoes and jewelry, selected, purchased and ready to go.  I hate last minute scrambling, ok, not really, but it does sound good :-)

I got in 4 Crossfit workouts this week, including Fran and Barbara.  I also got a new PR on Front Squats, 125#.  Well, it was really by default since I had never done a 1RM Front Squat, but hey, I'll take it!  I've completed 5 body building workouts this week, and will do 1 more tomorrow, plus a gymnastics class.  I also had a chance to complete another pole dancing class this week ... can you say FUN!

The most important accomplishment this week was finishing the Fran Challenge.  I saw my time improve approximately 40%, and that is nothing to be ashamed of ... now if I can just figure out how to do the "Girls" Rx'd, or for that matter anything Rx'd!   I did get a chance to see myself, on video, doing kipping pullups, and I can tell you, the problem is no hip action.  My Crossfit coach has been telling me that for months and I just didn't get it.  Now I do ....  Andrew, I promise you, I'll work on the hip thing! (hmmmm ... he really does know what he's talking about!)

Since my figure competition is early June, I'm already thinking ahead on activities for the remainder of the year.  I'm pretty sure it will be more Crossfit (yes, I'd like to increase the number of days I'm in the box each week), Cycling and a few adventure races (i.e., Metro Dash, Tough Mudder, Run Amuck, Warrior Dash), you know the kind of races that allow you to show off your Crossfit skills.

Well that's it's for now.  It's becoming very obvious to me that Crossfit is winning this battle.  But I'll hang in there and complete the figure competition, as planned.

Just 16 weeks to a fabulous new me!


Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass …. 
It’s about learning to dance in the rain!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Question of the week: Training or OverTraining ......

Well it's been awhile since I posted but I believe I'm back on track.  After two colds, in two weeks, I'm finally feeling back to full strength.  My training is moving forward, in fact, so much so it just might be out of control!

I'm still getting in regular Crossfit workouts, three mornings a week.  I just finished my 8th month at the box, and I'm stronger than ever.  Not a lot of PR's, like in the beginning (when every workout was a PR), but I'm definitely seeing the numbers move up.  I had a PR last week, during a 6am class and I can tell you, that doesn't happen often.  It was a real thrill and keeps me focused on what's really important.  I also continue to put in practice at home for some of my weaker skills.  I am determined to master double unders and dead hang pullups, this year, while improving my ring technique so that I can finally get a muscle up.

My bodybuilding/figure workouts are also gaining momentum.  Not a lot of change there, just pick up the weights and complete the reps and sets.  From a volume standpoint, these workouts are happening six days a week, which may be too much.  I definitely want to hit the competition stage in great shape, but I also want to continue making advances in Crossfit.  Over training could definitely crush both those goals, so I'm trying to keep a watchful eye on my schedule.  Yeah, I know, most people can't get to the gym often enough and here I'm worrying about too much.

But, the experiment continues!  The training gets more intense each week and I just hope it's not all too much.  I haven't even mentioned the weekly gymnastics class and the occasional venture into pole dancing.  I can tell you flipping on mats, jumping from balance beams, swinging on rings and poles, is no joke.  Both require strength and balance, in areas that we just don't use everyday.

Me getting assistance on the rings!

But the big news is 'FRAN'.  She whipped my A$$ four weeks ago, but I'm going after her with a vengeance tomorrow.  I had no rhythm the last time I took her on, but this week I've got a plan.  If I can shave even one minute off my total time, I'll be one happy girl!


Belief fuels enthusiasm, and enthusiasm explodes into passion.  
It fires our souls and lifts our spirits.

Friday, January 21, 2011

133 days to go!

How much damage can I do in the next 133 days ?  Interesting question.  This week, instead of two a day workouts, I missed 4 straight workouts.  Why, you ask --- because I was too stubborn to rest when my body told me it was necessary.  Lesson learned!

Even though I was forced to take some down time, I still managed 2 really good Crossfit workouts this week, 2 bodybuilding workouts, 1 gymnastics class and 1 pole dancing class.  It was a light week, what can I say.

Since my physical activity was so low this week, I made certain to focus on my dietary needs.  Fueled up Paleo style .... plenty of protein, including a few really good filet mignons. some delicious bison burgers and a little fresh fish plus lots of veggies including potatoes and yams!  Unfortunately, it was not enough.  I added some protein drinks (I make them myself with liquid egg whites, coconut milk and fruit), to ensure my caloric needs are being met.  All of that and I still lost 2 pounds this week.  I really need to watch this because it's much to early in the game to be losing weight.

I still haven't managed to get on a sewing schedule, but I believe I've found my posing suit pattern and shoes. Now I just need a seamstress to get it all together.  Ahhhh .... the endless things-to-do list that goes with competition, is just that --- endless, so I better get back to it.  I need to check in with both my strength training/nutrition coach and my figure/competition coach, to review where I've been and where I still need to go.

133 days and counting........................

Friday, January 14, 2011

Working hard or hardly working .......

So many people are starting their new healthy lifestyles in 2011; and then, there are those of us that never stopped.  But what are we doing in the gym, working hard or hardly working?  I feel like I have a much better perspective on this now that I'm doing two very different workouts each week.

I'm in the Crossfit box three days a week for a serious total body workout.  These workouts will challenge the fittest of the fit, yet can be scaled for a beginner.  You're lifting heavy and light weight, using body weight exercises like push ups and pull ups, jumping, running, even climbing ropes.  When you finish, you know you've given your all because it's on the floor around you (as are your fellow workout partners)!  It's an experience you don't want to miss if you're interested in really getting fit.  I suggest finding your local Crossfit Affiliate and giving it a go; that is, if you're really serious about stepping up your game this year.

The other side of the fence is your local big box chain.  My local gym is not a national chain, but they have what I need to fulfill my weekly bodybuilding workouts.  I am committed to competing in my first figure competition, June 2011, so a bodybuilding style workout has to be a part of my plan.  I bring this up because each time I'm in the globo gym, I can't help but make the comparison to my Crossfit Affiliate.  I look around and not a single woman is in the weight room and if they are they are using the minimum amount of weight on the rack.  They quickly complete their reps and rush to the first open piece of cardio equipment.  Even worse, are the ones that hit the cardio equipment first and then do a few quick reps with the lightest dumbbell they can find!  Ridiculous if they expect to actually make a change.  I really do wonder if they consider themselves working hard, because I can assure you, they're not!

I find myself, laughing at myself, because I wonder if people think the same thing about me.  You tend to see the same folks each day and there I am, doing my arm curls, leg extensions, lat raises, etc.  Don't get me wrong, serious bodybuilders, using serious weight are indeed working hard.  Mind you, I'm attempting to move as much weight as I can but I save the serious stuff for the box.  No need, for me, to over do it.  I want to look good, not hurt myself.  So, there I am working my pretty muscles like a good little droid and I do expect to look awesome come June.  But, I still believe much (if not most) of that will come from those serious 6am workouts in the box.

So, what are you doing .... working hard or hardly working ?

By the way, I'm scheduled for my first adult gymnastics class tomorrow and I attended my first pole dancing class :-) last weekend.  Yeah, yeah, I know ...... but those are stories for a different day.


Tomorrow is not promised
---so, I'm living life to the fullest today!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Are you Interested or Committed ???

I'm frequently asked why I do what I do.  I always have a hard time answering that question, but I think the bottom line is, I'm committed to living an active lifestyle.  No one can ever imagine what makes me get up before 5am to ensure I have plenty of time for my morning workout.   I mean .. I'm over 50 .. I've never been overweight .. so why bother?  Why bother indeed!  

I'm more active than most 20 year olds and I plan to keep it that way.  I'm a native Californian and being outside is second nature.  I'm also a youngest child; and playing outside, all alone, was a reward. I had nobody to boss me around, just run, jump and ride my bike.  I was one happy camper and I've let that feeling follow me into my adult life.  I'm one of those rare people that really does enjoy a good workout.

I also make it a point to set regular goals.  So this year, not only do I plan to compete in a figure competition (more on that another day), but I have very specific goals for Crossfit.  I plan to:

1) increase my back squat to 150% of my bodyweight
2) increase my deadlift to 200% of my bodywieght
3) improve all of my overhead lifts by 25%
4) complete my benchmark Crossfit workouts at 75% of the Rx'd weight

For me, each of these is a major challenge, but I have stated my intentions publicly and I'm committed to meet each of them by years end.

Tomorrow, I'll be participating in my first Crossfit Challenge of the year.  It's "Fran", a timed workout that includes Thrusters (front squat/push press) and Pull Ups.  I can assure you, I won't be the fastest person to finish and hopefully, not the last, but I will do this workout at approximately 75% of the prescribed weight because I'm committed.

I'm working out tomorrow because I'm committed to my goals, not just interested in trying!

There’s a difference between interest and commitment.  
When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient.  
When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

--K. Blanchard
